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Краткая библиография

А. Булушев. Строительство и планировка городов Европы.

Париж, Лондон, Стокгольм. М., 1938.

А. Иконников. Современная архитектура Англии. Планировка городов и жилищное строительство. Л., 1958.

А. Иконников. Лондон. Л., 1962.

С. Образцов. О том, что я увидел, узнал и понял во время двух поездок в Лондон. М., 1957.

H. Соlvin. Dictionary of British Architects, 1660 - 1840. 1954.

Т. Dannatt. Modern Architecture in Britain. Select examples of Recent Buildings. Introd. by J. Summerson. London, 1959.

N. Davey. Buildings in Britain. The Growth and Organization of Building Process in Britain from Roman Times to the Present Day. London, 1964.

W. Godfrey. A History of Architecture in and around London. London, 1911.

R. Gunnis. Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660 - 1851 (1953).

A. Hare. Walks in London, 2 vols. 7th ed. 1901.

W. Loftie. A History of London, 2 vols. 2nd ed. 1884.

E. Mills. The New Architecture in Great Britain 1946 - 1953. London, 1953.

I. Nairn. Modern Buildings in London. London, 1964. New Architecture of London. A Selection of Buildings. Ed. by

S. Lambert. London, 1963.

N. Pevsner. The Buildings of England. London. I. The Cities of London and Westminster. Penguin Books. 1957.

N. Pevsner. The Buildings of England. London. II. Except the Cities of London and Westminster. Penguin Books. 1952.

S. Rassmussen. London, the Unique City. New York, 1937.

T. F. Reddaway. The Rebuilding of London after the Great Fire. London, 1940.

J. Summerson. Georgian London. London, 1945.

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